Sunday, January 19, 2025

Do you remember that chiropractor joke I told you? It was about a weak back!

I can't say I would approve of this sort of thing but I do love a good Malicious Compliance story!

Three teenagers are arrested for troublemaking at a zoo.

The police chief, unaware of what exactly happened, calls them into his room one by one, and asks them basic questions.

-“Alright, what’s your name, and why are you here?”

-“My name is John, and I’m here because I threw peanuts at the elephant”, the first boy replies.

The chief concludes that the kid didn’t do anything worth being arrested, and set him free. He then calls the second teenager to interrogate him, and asks the same questions.

-“My name is Pete, and all I did was throw Peanuts at the elephant”, says the second boy.

The chief once again releases him, and he wonders “hmm, the third one must’ve done something so awful that his innocent friends were arrested along him for just being nearby”

The third boy then arrives in the room, limping, with a broken arm and bruises all over his body.

-“What’s your name and why are you here?”

-“No Officer, I'm Peanuts!”

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