I was in a conversation with a lady I knew when I lived Up North where the tundra thaws out from time to time, Philadelphia. We segued into what to make for dinner and desserts. I commented that I had made this recipe below that is nothing more than Maple Syrup coated salted nuts. It was beyond simple, and I made it in the crock pot.
This will turn your house into one of my favorite memories of Summer at the Jersey Shore, going into Planters Peanuts, and the smell in there. My house smelled of gently roasting salted nuts for the rest of the day.
She immediately got interested since she loves slightly salty sweets, and nuts. If it is as easy as I say it was then she wants the recipe and a narrative so she could do it herself.
The thing is that the picture showing a piddling quarter of a container tells you just how good these were. They were amazing!
So here you go: Here is the Process:
- Mix together the wet ingredients - Maple Syrup, Vanilla Extract, and Salt in a large mixing bowl. A two quart mixing bowl works perfectly for that.
- Fold in two cups of mixed nuts and mix the entire mass well until all are coated.
- Prepare the crock pot out. Coat the bottom of a large crock pot with coconut oil. Wipe off the excess with a paper towel.
- Add the nut mixture to the crock pot and smooth out to one layer of nuts.
- Turn on the crock pot at high heat, and cover it.
- Every 30 minutes, stir the nut mixture and level it back off.
- After 1 hour 30 minutes, you should be done, however it is a judgment call as to whether the coating is "dry enough. Mine was a little bit sticky but I would not say it was "wet".
- Spread out onto a sheet of parchment paper or similar, and allow to cool and dry.
- I ate mine within a week but you could go longer.
- 2 ounces of Maple Syrup. I used "real" but that fake pancake Pole Syrup or Honey SHOULD work.
- 1 teaspoon of Salt - or to taste if you are watching your salt intake
- 1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
- 2 cups of unsalted mixed nuts - your preference, I used 1 1/4 cup Walnut halves, 3/4 Peanuts.
- Coconut Oil to coat the crock pot
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