I'm up early. Usually about early enough to get a good long dog walk in and feed both of us before dawn even struggles to send first light over the hedge.
Being tall, you should thank me. It is a public service that I do.
What service would that be, you ask?
I clear spider webs from the walks and paths of this town.
Terrified of spiders?
I am not, in fact, generally I ignore them. Their purpose is to eat the creatures that I do not care for like the mosquitoes and gnats.
Yes, this being the tropics, or tropics adjacent - depending on your definition, we do have mosquitoes. Legions of the blasted creatures. Evil blood sucking things.
This being the tropics here in South Florida, everything grows. Fast. Quick. Assertively.
That sidewalk I depend on has palm fronds on it, every block, that I have to dodge. You may not, but I most certainly do.
If the frond wasn't there yesterday, it's here today. People don't tend to clear walkways to seven feet or 2 and a half meters, or what ever measure your area thinks is traditionally appropriate.
Sometimes I may help that along, but it can be a lot of work trimming leaves.
That open area is where the spider web clearing comes along.
Sorry, Charlotte, but your web was in my way. I'll be sure to take a bit home with me in my hair
or on my arms or clothes. Thanks, but I really don't need that.
Getting in to feed the dog, I brush myself down looking for hitchhikers and calling it good, I prepare for a later foray into the yard.
The 7:30AM yard inspection is just after sunrise by a bit. As they say "Lather, Rinse, Repeat" and I am back outside trying to avoid bugs.
That has its own reward. This is more human scaled agriculture, or rather my own human scaled. I look over closely the plants I do want in the yard, remove those I don't and sometimes spot something.
In this case, Bougainvillea. It blooms almost all year around. I can't think of when it isn't blooming. If you get just the right angle, it makes for quite a nice display.
If you don't just remember that those things will bite you with the spikes on the limbs.
I never work on a bougainvillea without a little blood loss.
Not from the spiders, but the spines. Spiders are everywhere, even if you don't see them in the flowers.
Go eat a mosquito, spider, I'll leave you alone.
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