Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy Labor Day

It's a quiet morning here.

It is (looking at the watch) just before 6:30AM.  Labor Day, Monday September 7, 2015.

Yep, I am writing this off the top of my head.  No rants, no copy and paste this time, baby.

I've been up for an hour and a half now.  Have been thinking about what to write here for Labor Day, and realized "been there, done that".   It is a day set aside to remember the American Worker and the modern labor movement

Yes, those folks who literally fought and died for the ability to have Saturday and Sunday off, and work a 40 hour week.

Who works a 40 hour week these days anyway?  You're either home at night staring into a laptop finishing things off for tomorrow, or you're one of the unfortunates who is working one or more part time jobs to make ends meet.

I salute you.

In my own case, I'm writing this at this oddball hour, an hour before sunrise because I have somewhere to go.  Got an interview today.  Who knows how it will go, it's a fascinating position and fits in well with my own career "portfolio".

But it is Labor Day.  So while you're having that party in the backyard or the neighbor's back yard or wherever, think about how it came to pass.

Oh, if you are having burgers, I'll take mine medium rare.  Just "Meat, Heat, and Eat" - none of that seasoned crap or salt on the meat.  A good slice of extra sharp cheddar, some of those bread and butter pickle chips, maybe a bit of fries on the side ...

Since I live in Florida, I can get away with wearing white After Labor Day.  Up there, who knows what you can get away with now!  Too bad I didn't iron those Off-White chinos I have in the closet.

Enjoy your day no matter what you do!

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