Sunday, October 18, 2015

Three Rednecks Go On A Hunting Trip Together

Alright.. So there are these three rednecks, and they all decided to go on a hunting trip together.

- The first day, the first redneck goes out and successfully hunts a deer. He brought it back; then the other two ask how he got it.
"I just followed the tracks and killed it." He replied.

- The second day, the second redneck goes out and successfully hunts a boar; loaded it up in his truck and brought it back.

- Again, the other two asked how he got it.
"I just followed the tracks and killed it." He said.

- The third day, the third redneck goes out, but comes back empty handed while covered in cuts and bruises all over his body.

The other rednecks were appalled and asked what happened.
"Well.. I tried to follow your guys' advice, but I got hit by a damn train!"

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