Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year 2020

All done with Amateur Night I see?

You have hopefully made it home safe without any ahem "legal" problems.

Yeah, we don't particularly like it when people imbibe and drive.  It's become less and less socially acceptable to do so during my lifetime.

I will say that the town doesn't look like it was picked up and dropped after that party that started a block and a half away just after sunset and lasted until after midnight. 

Supposedly the fireworks that freaked my dog out until he lost control of his bowels at the front door had ended around 2 AM.

He may be a McNab SuperDog (TM) but Rack is in the
majority of dogs that simply don't fathom why people need to celebrate turning the page on the calendar by using explosive devices long past the point where they ceased to be entertaining.

I'll be doing an extra laundry today.

And obviously, this happens more than once a year. 

So take down the old calendar.  My new one for 2020 is already on the door, and I don't see that I need another one, perfectly.

Pun Intended.

If you will excuse me I have to "spatch" a
chicken for lunch.  We found a Lemon Spatch Cooked Skillet Chicken recipe and apparently I am the little old lady with the technique.  Spatching a chicken is cutting it along the ribcage to be able to flatten it out.  You can do it with a sharp knife or a pair of scissors, but I think I just may grab the electric sawsall and pretend that I'll be doing some heavy construction instead of preparing a tasty meal.

So may your chickens be spatched, your dog be not freaked out, and your new year be bright and shiny and in focus.

Happy New Year 2020, where ever you may be reading this.

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