Sunday, October 27, 2024

My therapist told me I'm incapable of expressing my emotions. I can't say I'm surprised.

I guess you really have to be specific with what you say to a doctor.  You could end up with all sorts of drama happening if you don't.

 Mr. Smith goes to the Doctor complaining about a constant headache

The Doctor runs some tests and tells the guy, “Take these pills for a month. These are very potent, so you take one of these one day and then skip a day and then take another one the next day and skip the next day and so on for a month. You can visit me after a month “

A few months go by and the doctor runs into the man’s wife in the market one day.

“Mrs. Smith! How nice to see you here. How are you doing and how’s your husband’s headache now?”

The wife replied, “Oh you haven’t heard? My husband passed away a couple months ago.”

The doctor was surprised, “I’m sorry to hear that! That’s unfortunate. Was it the headache? I thought the pills I gave him were very strong and should have worked.”

“There was nothing wrong with the pills. They worked just fine.”, replied the wife. “It was all the skipping that killed him”

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