Saturday, April 16, 2022

What kind of dinosaur likes to sleep? A stega-snore-us.

They say that you don't become an expert at something until you have done it for 10000 hours.  Think about how long that actually is and then your first job is not quite as bad as you remember it.

Or Is It?

Freddy turned up to his first day at the funeral home. He was learning the ropes from Jimmy who had been working as a funeral director for the last 4 years. All was going well until they put the first coffin into the back of the hearse.

Jimmy said, "Freddy, ok. It's in the right spot. Now take it out."

Freddy took the coffin out.

Jimmy said, "Alright Freddy, put it back in the car."

Freddy followed the order.

Jimmy said, "Ok. It's in the right spot. Now take it out again."

Freddy took the coffin out. Confused.

Jimmy said, "Alright Freddy, put it back in the hearse."

Freddy - wondering if he was being pranked - stared angrily at Jimmy.

Jimmy said, "Oh yeah Freddy it's your first day. I want you to get this right so we have to rehearse it a few times."

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