Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Rainbow Over Wilton Manors, Rain Delay for the Workout

I watch for blobs on the radar.  One green blob in the wrong place and I have to wait about 6 to 8 weeks for a set of bearings. 

I have been caught out on skates in the rain before and it's not pretty.  It causes me to have to slow down to a walking pace and hope that the water won't get into them.  If it does, they will rust out and I'll have to look in the "Skate Shop" and see what I have in storage for the next workout.

I have been lucky for the last year or so.  The bearings I have are pretty hard to come by.  The balls in them are ceramic, like your coffee mug.  The races are steel like most others.  If I can find a full ceramic set, I'll buy them if they're at a good price, but since I am not sponsored any longer, I'll make due.  Besides, I get an upwards of a 4 minute "spin test" out of them when I lube them up and install them on the wheels.

This was not a good morning to get to the park.  I have to get out as early as possible.  Dawn is not really early enough.  The heat at daybreak in the Fort Lauderdale area is mid 80s, 29C, and while I am extremely aerobically fit, having to slog through weather that can be described as inside of someone else's shower is painful.

So I waited at the front door, growling.

I figured that I would wait for the rainbow that signaled that the storm was over would clear out and see the patterns on the radar.  Meanwhile, time to finish carboloading, breakfast to the normies.

And there he was.  Twin laser beams coming from his eyes.  I've created a monster.  Rack, my McNab Superdog(TM) was staring me down for what I had just pulled from the refrigerator. 

"No Boy, Not For Dogs!" I said.

No effect.

"I Said NO BOY, NOT FOR DOGS!".  He realized I was serious.  Since I am the DIY type, and know how to make Mango Jelly and Can the stuff for preservation, I have been having a lot of Mango Yogurt with breakfast.  A bit strange since I'm making the stuff from powdered milk and using Great Grandma's hand cranked mixer to blend things.  I DO have an electric whisk, but I prefer not to use it.  It's too vigourous.

I'm thinking all of this when out of the corner of my eye "NOT FOR DOGS!" comes out of my mouth.  He's getting really annoying with the begging.  I do give him yogurt, but I prefer not to be pushed to do so.  It's good for his digestive tract just like yours or mine.

I go on making my coffee, and put together another container of yogurt on to brew.  It's the perfect time to make yogurt since the water is already hot.

100g (3.5 oz) Non Fat Dry Milk (Powder)
22 oz of boiling water at around 90 plus C (about 200F plus).

Whisk together and allow to come down to 40C/104F
Add a couple tablespoons of the old yogurt as a culture.
Stir together vigorously,
cover and wait until tomorrow. 
If not "gelled" then give it another day.

More begging.  "Rack get out of here!"  Damn kid!

In the meantime, I notice roads are drying, I would finish getting myself prepared to go for a workout.  The yogurt takes one to two days to gel anyway.

There is a lot that has to go to the park. 

Skates, pads, ice water, body camera, backup batteries, snack for when I am done.

It finally gets dry enough, I'm going to get out of here today.  Tape up the hot spots, finish loading up the Jeep and time to go to the park.

See you later! 
On Yer Left!

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