Being a chilly day (for us) I wanted something bright to look at. It should be tropical and not terribly common.
I went through the most recent photo libraries that I had around and spotted this one picture.
I've heard them called Elephant Ear plants but after doing a bit of digging I found that it's also Taro which the Hawaiians eat as Poi.
The flower itself came and went, glowing in the evening setting sun. The leaves are still there, as the plant is grown as an ornamental here. There is a rather large stand of them next door. Standing waist high these giant leaves make for a pleasant and showy display.
Reading the description, it seems that you can grow them readily as long as they're kept warm and planted in rich soils. Protect from cool weather under 50F/10C and you are good to go.
So, Pat, you can grow them outside, but you'd have to pull them up over winter. If you really want an exotic plant, I know of a couple palm tree species that will grow up there in the New Jersey Prairies and overwinter outdoors...
Tulip glasses are generally classified in to 15 tulip groupings or tulip divisions. You will discover a massive variety of large-flowered hybrids as well as they are classified in to 11 of these divisions, based on its heyday time, seed appearance, flower dimensions as well as style. Variety as well as variety hybrids makeup your four outstanding groupings. Large, showy parrot