Friday, August 3, 2012

It Hasn't Hit The Market Yet But Windows 8 Has Been Pirated

I don't know why I am surprised.  I guess Microsoft has the same problems with security as every other large organization.  But if you hunt around, Windows 8 has already hit the pirate Bit Torrent sites.

No word whether they found a way to fix that ugly "Construction Paper" interface.

Not mocking Microsoft at all, people pirate software for their own reasons, and there had to be an insider on that. 

There are alternatives out there for your trusty computer although most folks would not consider them because of lack of training or even being aware that they exist.  It's a bit sad though that the software has not earned Microsoft a penny yet and people have already put it out on those sites.   Not quite fair is it?

I'm a big fan of open source software.  This particular machine is an Eee machine, a wee little thing that came to me without an operating system or any software at all.  I installed CentOS Linux, then Libre Office came with it, Skype and a few other pieces of software, all of which are free or open source.

FOSS - Free Open Source Software.

FOSS takes a bit of getting used to, but if I need anything to make this particular little machine run, I can get it without resorting to theft.

On the other hand, the graphics programs I use to put those pictures up with those annoying watermarks (I'm sorry, really I am) are FOSS and I can use them on my Mac or my Windows computers.   I use Gimp and Inkscape and they both get the job done quite well and work with accepted industry standards.

For the rest of us, Windows 8 will be released to the stores in October and you can decide then if it is for you.

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