Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Debian Linux Stretch - Backup or Restore Your Blog or Website Into Your New Server Using Blogger or Wordpress

Writers will understand this.

Have you ever meant to write something but had no idea what to call it?  This is where I am at.

Basically these instructions will work with Blogger or Wordpress.
It will work with any operating system because both of those are Cloud based.
Wordpress may be "local" or on the cloud.

I tagged this with Debian because it's a logical endpoint for a series of articles that I wrote here about how to create a Debian Web Server with Wordpress so that you can muck about with your systems.

Blogger is only blogs, but these instructions for Wordpress may be used for entire websites if you are working with Wordpress only.

First: Export your Blog or Website


  1. Log in, 
  2. Go to the Settings page
  3. Select Other
  4. Click on the button to "Back up content"
  5. Click on "Save to Computer"
  6. Tell the browser where to save the file.
  7. Success!


  1. Log in to your wp-admin page
  2. Click on "Tools"
  3. Click on "Export"
  4. Click on "Start Export" button
  5. Choose What To Export.  "All Content" is most likely.
  6. Click on "Download Export"
  7. Go to your email account that is specified in the message and follow the link to download your blog's content.

Second: Import your Blog or Website


  1. Log in, 
  2. Go to the Settings page
  3. Select Other
  4. Click on the button to "Import content"
  5. Check the box saying "I am not a Robot"
  6. Check the box saying "Automatically Publish"
  7. Answer the annoying Capcha and click the appropriate pictures
  8. Click on "Import from Computer"
  9. Tell the browser where to find the file.
  10. Success!


  1. Log in to your wp-admin page
  2. Click on "Tools"
  3. Click on "Import"
  4. Click on the link for the kind of blog you want to "Run Importer
  5. Click on "Browse" to Choose File to import.
  6. Find your file on your computer.  
  7. Assign Author, Click the box saying to "Download and Import File Attachments"
  8. Click on "Submit"
  9. Success!  But note that the information will be in which ever template that you had chosen for the install of the Wordpress software.  You will probably want to adjust that as needed since it probably does not match the original blog.
All this will take a while, go pet your dog, or make coffee.
At this point your server will have your blog or website. 
In my case, it's local so I can make changes to my look and feel without harming my "production" website.
That new site can be anywhere, it could be on Wordpress on the cloud.

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