Saturday, May 18, 2019

When someone says hold your horses... They’re telling you to be stable

I grew up in a large suburb.  It felt a bit sterile at times.
I moved to a large city.  It was nice but most certainly what you make of it.
Moving to what I consider a small town, It can be interesting.  It's not what you know, it's who you know.

Tom, fresh out of law school, got a job in a small town

The first day on the job he was shown around the town by his boss Paul. At the end of the tour he asked his boss where he could buy alcohol should he want any to which Paul replied: "Well, around here we make our own, have you ever tried moonshine?"

"No, but that's illegal, aren't you afraid of being caught?" asked Tom. "Everyone here does it, so we don't worry to much about that" Paul said.

Tom nodded to the grocery store where the manager was out front, "You're telling me he makes moonshine?" "Of course" replied Paul, "Where do you think we get our supplies?"

Tom pointed to the carshop nearby with a mechanic taking a smoke outside, "And he makes moonshine as well?" "Of course" replied Paul, "Who do you think sets up and repairs the equipment for us?"

Tom pointed to the bakery where a sweet old lady was making cookies, "What about her?" "Of course" replied Paul, "Who do you think made the recipe perfect?"

Amused, Tom pointed to the priest who was watering the front lawn of the church, "Surely the priest doesn't make moonshine?" "Of course" replied Paul, "Sunday School is where the young ones learn it. They're the biggest producers in town"

At that moment the Sheriff passed them in his patrol car, and Tom looked at Paul and asked "Of all people, the sheriff doesn't make moonshine does he? "No no no… Of course not." replied Paul. "He buys his from me".

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