Saturday, August 22, 2020

You're so old, your doctor is a paleontologist.

See, when you have a two-fer about Grannies, a Paleontologist is on order.

Two Granny Jokes

Timmy, and his Grandma were walking through the park...

Out of nowhere, Timmy spots 5 dollars on the ground. He tried to pick it up, but his Grandma said : "Don't pick up dirty things from the ground! " Quite sad, Timmy and his Grandmother start walking again.

After a while, Timmy finds a lost toy. Timmy has wanted this toy for ages, so he tries to pick it up, but his Grandma said :"Don't pick up dirty things from the ground!" So they start walking again.

Suddenly, Timmy's pack of chewing gums fell out of his pocket. He tried to pick it up, but his Grandma said: "Don't pick up dirty things from the ground!" And after a minute of whining, Timmy and his Grandma start walking again.

As it is becoming dark, Timmy and his Grandma were ready to go home. They walk home, but the Grandma trips on a small stone, and since she's not the youngest anymore, needs help to get up. So she asks Timmy for help.

He said:

"Don't pick up dirty things from the ground!"

A guy sees a granny selling cabbages.

The business is not good and no one seems to be interested in buying them. They all cost 5 dollars each. He decided to buy one. He continued to buy one each day until he just gave money for a cabbage without taking one.

Then one day as usual he gave 5 dollars, turned to leave but the granny stopes him. He turns around and asked her:

"What is it granny? Do you want to know why i buy cabbages without taking one?"

The granny looks at him and says: "No, i just wanted to say the price grew. Now it costs 10 dollars!"

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