Wednesday, August 4, 2021

A Tiny Bit of Edible Beauty From Propagating Romaine Lettuce

Back and Forth

Back and Forth

Back and Forth




Concrete poetry aside, we are doing some retiling at the house.  It's time, it will get rid of the worn out look, and will put our stamp of approval on things.

We are leaving the old Saltillo tile in the Florida room.  That's the terracotta "Mexican" tile to you. The new tile is light colored and will fit together much more closely than the old.

We like that stuff, and it wears well.

But it also means that every time I go into the house, I step on the porch and look at my garden.

I have the last of the Propagated Romaine Lettuce that I was so entertained by in a pot on a plastic chair next to the plastic table that I can't use.

Too many mosquitoes in my garden.  I'd build a dome over the property then spray bug killer if I thought I could get away with a weird parallel to The Simpsons Movie plot.  It would probably blow away in a tropical storm anyway!

The thing about that is it works.  The tiny little flowers are rather beautiful, even if the plant is this weird stalk of leaves that is leaning over and trying to find the soil.

It's just too hot here in South Florida to reliably grow lettuce, and I have many other things in my garden.  I'll just enjoy the little flowers every time I pass.

As for the home improvement... I'll be at this for about another two months.  Or less I hope, or more I expect.

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