Saturday, December 25, 2021

Simple Basic Truffles For Xmas

The Truffles are cooling, The Cake is iced,
Xmas is the day, It will be nice.
A little doggerel for you,  I won't say it twice.
Happy Holidays to all and to all a good night.

Anyway, so if you are celebrating a holiday, may you enjoy it from me and mine.  

 If you aren't you'll have to just have to allow me to celebrate mine.

I have people coming by, we're going to have a roast, there are these truffles with the recipe at the end of this blather.  There's a Marble cake on the counter. 

Main course goes into the oven at 10am for a big meal at lunch so we can pass out on the couch.  What happens after that depends on us.

Enjoy your day whatever you choose to do, I know we will.

Now, for that recipe and yes I know that a Hula Dog only fits the holidays if we pretend it does.


This recipe can be done in the morning, and if you are aggressive, have it by lunch, or the afternoon.   Definitely ready by dinner.

Simple Basic Truffles:

2 parts chunked chocolate of "your favorite kind"

1 part cream

Process in stupidly long detail:

Add the chunked chocolate to a bowl.  It should be a microwave safe bowl large enough to add all the ingredients.

Microwave the ingredients for 30 seconds.

Stir until the chocolate melts.

Repeat the last two steps until you have a smooth mix judging for yourself if you need 30 seconds or less time in the microwave.

Chill the mix until solid.  If it never solidifies, add a little more chocolate to it and microwave and stir until smooth.

Scoop out the mix with a melon baller and roll the truffles in a coating of choice such as cocoa, jimmies, or nuts.  

It is all up to you, really!

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