On December 28, 2010, in Times Square, New York City, People were able to celebrate Good Riddance Day.
Good riddance day is a day where you were to gather up your old mementos and take them down to the big shredder truck and have them mulched into oblivion. Nothing like a little bit of revisionist history to salve the soul, right?
It's not a bad idea. Cintas was there with a big truck that you could dump old pictures and have them shredded as well as old love letters and other paper objects. The idea is that you put all those bad old memories into the box and they come out ready to be recycled.
I remember seeing this sort of thing in a sitcom years ago. The female lead had just broken up with the boyfriend and instead of cutting his face out of all of the pictures, or using wite-out to blot him out, she gathered up all of the bits and pieces like pictures and letters as well as a teddybear or two and put them into a trash can. If I remember the story right, she set the can in the middle of the room, tossed in a match and of course the fire got out of control.
This being a sitcom, the woman hooked up with the fireman who came to put out the fire.
Repeat after me... Awwww how cute.
That moment of "squee" aside, its not a terrible idea if it helps you to move on to purge the physical echos of a bad memory. While you're at it, it is also a good idea to grab those old bank receipts from the 1900s and shred those. Anything older than 8 years is of questionable worth anyway other than Deeds or Titles. You certainly don't want to shred your mortgage paperwork until the debt has been cleared, but the Charge bills from your trip to the Beach back in 2001 is not really needed.
I just had this mental thought of hundreds of jilted New York women standing in line with big boxes of papers commiserating over their old relationships and vowing to start fresh in 2011.
Like many people, I've said good riddance to the last few years. Between world politics, local politics, and other disappointments, things in general have gone with the economy on the broad view. That is to say, not very well.
But hopefully we can all just say Good Riddance to it all and 2011 will be the beginning of the next great boom in the economy.
Sure, and we'll finally be able to come up with a fair progressive tax policy in the US and the world will be full of butterflies and teddybears.
Ok, the butterflies are plentiful in this part of the world at least. Just yesterday I was out inspecting the flowers and saw another Monarch Caterpillar on the Mexican Milkweed and ...
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