I know,
I know,
Yes, it's only December 26th.
So why am I wishing Happy New Years on Black Friday?
Because I am avoiding shopping malls, driving, and being in stores at all costs.
All those people, on the road, with gift cards in hand.
Running hither and yon screeching into parking spaces.
Hey, South Florida makes Boston look like pikers in aggressive driving contests.
I'll be around town today, walking the dog, patching pool scoops, and transplanting things.
I have a friend who gave me a Milkweed Cage here in town that I need to let know that I put some Green Onions in his pot and am ready to return the thing to him.
The Cage is fixed and doing its thing protecting the plants.
The pot is on my front porch. Four green onions are in the pot ready for cooking. Just leave a thumb length of bulb in order to keep your perpetual onions growing.
At any rate.
South Florida being basically, weird, has already started the wind up for the great page turning of 2019. Yes Happy New Years now if you're drunk and need a place to pass out, go use the bar parking lot. I don't want to have to use the hose on a drunk at 5AM when I go to take Rack for a walk.
If you are going out on amateur night, paying too much for a champagne toast at midnight at a restaurant you normally would not go to, go lightly. After all, this whole week, if you are driving at night... you are a target both for other drivers and for the police.
Yes, Drunk Drivers, those of us who are not on the road hope "The Rozzers" catch you.
That's British Slang for the cops... or so I have been told.
I'm already hearing fireworks at night which will scare the poop back into you if you're my dog.
Well happy new years anyway folks, I'm going to duck and cover!
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