Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Posting Number 666

Apparently I have a blog that is "Possessed"!

I started writing a posting about the Stonewall Parade.  I've got a bunch of pictures to share.  A really good one of a friend (Rex) and some others.  

I've got them sitting on my daily driver laptop, all set up for Blog Posting and Size.

I went to Blogger to sign in here.   Blogger is conspiring with me to slow down for the day, or the thing is possessed. 

You see this is Posting number 666.  It's the "Devil Posting"!


So we're going to have to wait another day.   You see I tried it on my daily driver in Firefox.
I tried it on my daily driver in Internet Explorer 8.  Ick.
I then got fancy and tried it again in both.

Didn't work did it or else you'd be looking at the Wells Fargo Wagon and a woman who truly looks happy to be in the parade holding a sign in support both of Stonewall and of her company. 

Other than having the song from the Music Man going through my head "Oh the Wells Fargo Wagon is a COMIN'...", I can't share the picture of the cowboy walking past the stage coach.

There's one of the band walking by that will have to wait for another day.  

I may have hit against a wall here, so I'll be looking into that late this afternoon.  After all, Fr John's coming by to work on some pictures for the website, and I have some jobs to apply to.

Sorry folks, this is a "Lemonade" posting.

Got some Blue Curacao to put in there?  Makes you much happy with a shot in the lemonade, mon.

Funny thing is that I am sitting here with a wry smile laughing that after all of that, then going through Remote Desktop to my other computer and trying to do the post there as well, I'm still bedeviled by not being able to show you more of the parade.

There's always tomorrow.  If not, there is another Dog posting coming up.  


On the whole, the experience I have with has been great.  I'm sure there's a code monkey somewhere that slipped.  Probably left a module of code out in something and I stumbled across it.   After all, there are 347 pictures posted over the last almost 2 years and 666 articles.  I might be bumping up against a limitation.

Interesting coincidence though.  The Devil Posting failed on me.   Hmmmmmmm.... Poltergeist?  Ghost in the Machine?

Boo, indeed!

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