Saturday, September 23, 2023

What's made up of leather and sounds like a sneeze? A Shoe!!

 As I am getting ready for the sunrise and the second dog walk, I am thinking about the wildlife here.  Too many Ducks.  Way too many.  On the other hand no horses and if I ever see a Zebra here, I may just freak out! 


A horse, a zebra, and a duck

A horse, a zebra, and a duck walk into a bar, they eat their food and have their drinks.
The horse goes up to the bartender to pay, and the bartender says, “why the long face?”
The horse stares at him for a little, and then storms out without paying.
The zebra goes up to the bartender to pay instead, and the bartender once again says, “why the long face?”
The zebra chuckles lightly in frustration and then also storms out without paying.
Finally, the duck goes up to the bartender to pay.
As the bartender is about to say something, the duck stops him and says, “Let me guess. Why the long face?”
The bartender replies, “No sir, not at all, that would be extremely rude. I was just going to let you know that since your friends left without paying, their tab is on your bill”

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