Facebook (Yes, I know social media is utter garbage) forced smooth scrolling one day. I don't know if it was permanent because I removed it.
I Fixed It.
This is not perfect. If you have a private chat sub-window open and page up in the main one it will smooth scroll until you click the main page. Clear as mud?
I use Firefox and Librewolf. Librewolf is "said" to be better contained than most for keeping spy sites, ads, and Trojans contained and since it is derived from Firefox I use it for Facebook and other "snoopy" websites, and surf the web with a separate Firefox instance.
Want more security? Get Linux.
Smooth Scrolling is something I have always found awful. I turn it off in preferences everywhere, including on dumb terminals and of course Firefox. Unfortunately Facebook forced it "on".
This is how to force your browser to turn Smooth Scroll Off.
Standard Internet Warranty applies - Follow these instructions at your own risk. Ramblingmoose is not responsible if you fat finger your browser and everything comes up in Sanskrit. Work slowly and carefully.
Start Firefox or your favorite derivative and follow the steps:
Step 1. Ctrl+T to start a new tab.
Step 2. Surf to about:config and accept any warnings about causing damage to your browser.
Step 3. enter in "smoothscroll" in the search bar, unclick the button that says "Show only modified preferences" then hit enter.
Step 4: Change every entry from "true" to "false" as you prefer. The more that you change over, the less you will experience SmoothScrolling.
Step 5: Close the About:Config tab.
That's pretty much it, happy surfing.
Now... don't get me started on this nonsense about one or two spaces between sentences. I use two because I use two. It makes it easier to read and I don't want some software developer in another country insisting that I need to get with the times.
Besides going between Proportional and Monospaced (Fixed Width) Fonts frequently will make your eyes cross.
Get off my lawn.
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