At least the last one from the Keys. When you're driving along that ribbon of black top, you are wondering "Am I There Yet?" for quite a long time. This is "There". This is the end of Monroe County and the end of the Florida Keys. Oh sure, there's places like Key Biscayne, and a few islands on the west coast with "Key" in the name, but they aren't "THE" Keys. You're looking at the few feet on US1 that is in Monroe County, FL. From this point onward, you're on the Mainland, and still in the Glades. There is a sign for a restaurant, another saying chill out to pass in 2 miles, and the last one, to the left of that boat near the road is the sign announcing "Entering Miami Dade County".
I hit that spot, thought that this would be a good place to stop taking pictures and just drive. I relaxed, turned up the radio, smiled at the sun and made it up to South Miami for a tank of Gas, and another 55 or so miles to home.
This reminds me of the old jokes that people would say about going to visit a friend's house to watch their slide shows of their vacations and listen to their monologue. Terribly boring way to spend a night, so I hope that this isn't as bad.
At any rate, I'm done with my Keys pictures. There's other things to put up from around here, hopefully they won't be too dull.
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