Happy Thanksgiving from Rack the Laserdog, Oscar the noisy Parrot, and us here at www.Ramblingmoose.com
Can't tell you what we're doing. It isn't a secret, it's just that this is going up on Thursday, and I wrote it at 11am on Sunday before. Rack was whining for attention, Oscar was chattering lightly, and I was trying to get "caught up".
Here, dog, go fetch! Nothing worse than a bored teenager that you can't hand a mop or a vacuum cleaner to and get your housework done.
At this point we've got plans for a roast beef for today, but I won't know until it happens.
So get off the computer and go spend time with your loved ones. Have some for me!
Actually, the plans are (yes, I had to change this on Thanksgiving morning) that there's the second-to-last from Publix at Five Points Chicken Roaster that will go into the oven later today. Along with some stuffing, cranberry jelly, and some of the cans I had left in the house this week, we're going to have a full table. The only thing we forgot was some Celery. Oh well!
Oh and the two pieces of cake I squirreled away will be quite nice.
So from me and mine to you and yours, enjoy your Thanksgiving.
Same to you, wild and crazy planet lover.