Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving from Rack The Laser Dog and

Happy Thanksgiving from Rack the Laserdog, Oscar the noisy Parrot, and us here at

Can't tell you what we're doing.  It isn't a secret, it's just that this is going up on Thursday, and I wrote it at 11am on Sunday before.  Rack was whining for attention, Oscar was chattering lightly, and I was trying to get "caught up".

Here, dog, go fetch!  Nothing worse than a bored teenager that you can't hand a mop or a vacuum cleaner to and get your housework done.

At this point we've got plans for a roast beef for today, but I won't know until it happens.

So get off the computer and go spend time with your loved ones.  Have some for me!

Actually, the plans are (yes, I had to change this on Thanksgiving morning) that there's the second-to-last from Publix at Five Points Chicken Roaster that will go into the oven later today.  Along with some stuffing, cranberry jelly, and some of the cans I had left in the house this week, we're going to have a full table.  The only thing we forgot was some Celery.   Oh well!

Oh and the two pieces of cake I squirreled away will be quite nice.

So from me and mine to you and yours, enjoy your Thanksgiving. 

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