Friday, August 16, 2013

The Trainer Got Trained

I recently had the chance to sit in on a class.  If it is computer related, my own training kicks in and I quickly get things done and have the luxury of watching other people manage through things at their own paces.

I'm the one that trains the trainers when it comes to most computer software.  I've been lucky enough to have the experience of working with people of all levels but mostly the people I would work with in Corporate Education had a certain "floor" of knowledge.  

The test I ask is "How do you play a game of solitaire on this computer?".   A bit misleading, but the idea is you have to know first how to turn the thing on, then find your way into the computer, then find the program. 

If you can play a complete game without a lot of trouble, you probably are able to be trained. 

Mind you, now people are playing solitaire on a tablet, iPad, Phone, or Android Tablet.

Different story, we're talking about a "computer".  Maybe call those a Tablet vs a PC...

Being in a general audience class I was wondering why for 8 people there were three volunteers and one teacher, but I saw quickly why.

Some of you folks simply have forgotten how to use a computer.

We all surf, if you're reading this, you are surfing.  Some do it on that generic Tablet.  But those tablets simply fall short when you are working with what they call a "Data Driven" website.

If you have to type in "stuff", use a PC.   If you just occasionally click, a tablet is fine.

This was a professional website designed to do some very specific job search exercises.

We had people in the group who didn't think they would need to save their user ID.   Others that didn't understand that they were already inside of a browser on some distant website.

I guess they didn't play solitaire on the PC any more.

Having had to train people on software I wrote holding Executive Director's Titles as well as a clerk in Accounts Payable on more than one occasion, being exposed to someone who managed to become "over 40" and not know how to use a computer was an education for me. 

Being a Webmaster, you have a choice.  Make it work for the PC or make it work for the Tablets or Phones.  Those second websites being Mobile, it presents a host of other challenges.  Since most people are typically a bit lazy, they will to the "80/20" rule, make it work on the PC, then come back for the Mobile site for the Tablet/Phone later.

Hopefully they will come back later.  It's not always granted.  After all, those Tablets have a real browser now, don't they?  Can't they just use the "real website"?

My website/blog is looked at 88 percent of the time on a PC, the rest are on some sort of a Mobile device.  I'll put my time on making sure it looks readable on the PC/Mac/Linux/FreeBSD...

You get the picture.

But you folks on the iPad/iPhone/Android Tablet/Android Phone... If it looks weird, that may explain things.

Now you know why mobile shopping sites look so strange.  It's a matter of effort, and just don't get me started on the mobile Wikipedia site.  Yuck.

So if you are feeling a bit overwhelmed when you are trying to get some work done online, if that whole concept of a Mac or a PC is too much for you, there are some really basic things to try to get comfortable with it all.

First, play a game.  Doesn't have to be a card game, but they're good for this purpose.  They teach you how to actually use a mouse.   I suggest on Windows Spider Solitaire using one deck.  It's dead simple and real good at that drag and drop stuff.  I know that the Mac has a couple good games like that since I have them installed on my own Mac. 

Second, use a laptop or a desktop.  Put the tablet aside.  Actually train yourself on how to use it again, call it a refresher, but your boss will appreciate it.  They may even remember that your skills got better next time Layoffs come around.

Third, you need to know how to do some basic office "stuff".  Write a basic letter with a couple different fonts.  Bold, font size change, paragraph indenting.  Basic stuff.  Print it out to your printer.   Do the same with a spreadsheet.  Enter a column of numbers and calculate the sum.  Change the colors, make it pretty.  Print it out to your printer.

No, I'm not fond of wasting paper, but if you can do all the above, you can find your printer, you can do basic office operations and you have gone from being passed over for that entry level job to being qualified.

But no matter what, set the tablet aside.  The websites aren't there yet... yet.  Unless you work at Apple of course and most people don't.

Fourth and most importantly, open your mind to knowledge.   Once that closes up, you're stuffed.  After all, while playing Angry Birds may be fun, it won't put food on your table, and what you "learn" in flinging cartoon birds at things won't work when you have to post things to your General Ledger.

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