Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Have You Ever Had One Of Those Mornings?

I am smiling.  I'm also shaking my head.   It's been an amusing day, and it's been the last hour that is the cause of it.

I have a groove.  I know what I will be doing at a given time of day for the most part.  When something shakes up my groove, hilarity may ensue.

I also have people around me who think it's entertaining to upset my groove.   Those people need to be duct taped to the ceiling fan and then the fan turned on full so they spin merrily above the ground.

Or something like that.

Been up early and got the dog out for his walk.  He dragged me out to the shopping center near the house. 

No. Big. Deal. 

I didn't think anything of it until we rounded the corner.  You see, Rack is "noise averse".  Drop something on the floor and he'll jump.  He was about to experience a lot of noise all at once.  The shopping center has been in the process of being painted for the last month or so.   They do it before the businesses open, so you may not have seen it unless you're at the gym, walking your dog, or a "leftover" from the last night bar crowd.

No. Big. Deal. 

We got to the place that they were working and his dragging me toward the noise became a big "Nope" and he started dragging me away.   As in total fear toward the loud growly equipment. 

Deal.  You will survive.  In fact it's good for him to be exposed to it and survive.   He did, we got past and he almost immediately went "normal".

Whatever the heck that is.

Flying through the normal morning routine... er, whatever that is, I managed to get to the point where I needed to leave.  Not completely, the laptop might be needed and it was sitting stuck at 30% update where it had been for the better part of the last half hour.  

Nope.  Stay home computer, you're drunk.

Getting into the Jeep, I piled my neighbor into it for a trip out to the Hospital where she was to be dropped off for a procedure.  

On the way... I have to say South Florida Drivers need to stop messing about and concentrate on their driving.

Between the woman in front of me at the light at Dixie and Prospect doing her Mascara, and the woman at the bus stop with the see through bottoms, it was a scenic drive.

I didn't point that out to my neighbor as I dropped her off and got back into the Jeep.

Heading back I saw two different morons texting, and a fool trying to convince a pickup truck with a giant arrow sign pointing into the center lane moving at a walking pace to move faster.

Not. Gonna. Happen.  Oh wait!  You're a snowbird.  Go back to Ontario, you're drunk.

Playing with the radio, the local "Party Station" was talking about the Bronies of Kendall.  I had to think about this one.  I'm all for diversity, I'm pretty "diverse" myself, but I still can't wrap my head around the attraction of technicolor plastic ponies and the society around it.  On top of it, the presenter made her announcement then went into a story about a barn in Germany that exploded due to cow "wind" followed by every bad pun she could think about referring to Cows, Bulls, and Farming in general.

Better to pull into the driveway and wash the Jeep.  It's much safer.  The roads are a strange place.

With the music pouring out of the house singing the praises of being in America, I realized that the British Forces Broadcast Services were having an odd day as well.  It ended that song with the presenter telling all the British Armed Forces, and one guy in South Florida about his long nose hair that had to be pulled out.

"Crikey!  That's long!  That came out of me?"

Weirdness is universal.   We're all weird.  Some of us just get to do it publicly.  Now, my BFBS Gibraltar Presenter is talking about Going Commando. 

I think "all this in one hour?"  It's time for another mug of coffee.   It is going to be a strange day.

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