Monday, January 27, 2014

Feeding Time at the Zoo or Service Pack 1, You Decide

My coffee table is full. 

Mind you, I almost never use it for actual coffee.  I prefer to set my coaster on the floor next to the low slung Ikea Poang Chair just inside reach.  It's also within Dog's Nose Range and he's getting curious. 

My McNab Dog, Rack, is already hyperkinetic.  There isn't a dog on the island that can hold a candle to my boy when we're outside.  He'll see a dog he likes or some certain people and he's airborne.  Jumping five feet into the air is nothing to this black and white spring.  We will just avoid giving my dog coffee, even if it is Half-Caff.

But he was much more mellow this morning, the edge seems to be blunting on his puppy hood insanity, finally.

The coffee table on the other hand has gotten filled with laptops.  My neighbor fried his install of Windows 7 and since I helped his mother get him the thing for xmas a couple years back, we're helping him get back on the road. 

Clicked on the wrong link did you?   We'll see what we can do. 

Meanwhile, I'm reworking a computer of mine.  It is the one I wanted to use this morning, so I wasn't looking forward to seeing a helpful message on my screen.  

At 7AM, I'm walking to my chair, setting the coffee mug on the floor on a bar coaster, and grumbling that there were some updates that needed to happen.  Ok, only three?  Lets do it.

That would be where I needed to actually Read what I saw on the screen, it was a Windows 7 Service Pack 1 update.

Techies know what I'm going to be doing for the next hour or so.  "Civilians"...

Sighing, it's time to go into the kitchen, make some breakfast.

Rack, my ever faithful sidekick stood at the entry to the galley kitchen.   Nut Brown eyes peering through my soul, I asked "Show me what you want, Rack?".  He neatly stood up and walked out to the back door.  I let him out thinking that it was great, now I could have breakfast in peace.

*sigh* What is it Oscar?
Here we go!  Boom!  There it is! Boom!  Herewegoherewegoherewego!  Bwa HAHAHAHAHELLO!BOOM!

I see we have a comedian.  I start up on the bowl of cereal and look out on the Cement Pond in the backyard.

Hmm, Boom, that's a new one.
Hello, Oscar.

I guess the backyard didn't "take", Rack is staring at my reflection in the back door.   I sidle over to the kitchen sink, and start talking to Oscar.

Hello, Oscar!  Good morning.
Head cocked to the side, Rack stares a hole through me from the yard.  He's wanting what I have or more likely what I haven't had yet for breakfast. 

HELLO! HellLOW!  Urp.

More head cocks to the side.  First left, then right, the white stripe on Rack's head is signalling low flying aircraft to try to land at the Fort Lauderdale Airport instead of his head.

BahbahbahbahbahHELLObahbahbahWAHHAHAHAHAHAhahahaha!  HELLO!
I finish the cereal, pour out my cranberry and yogurt.  Really good batch this time too.
Head is tilting to the side still. 

I walk out to look in on the technology taking a nap in the living room.   I'm being yelled at by a Parrot, a dog wants my food, and my laptop went to sleep. 

Wiggle the little trackpoint on the keyboard. 

Do Not Unplug Your Computer.
Update 3 of 3.
Please Wait.

I'm now grumbling at Microsoft.   Hey, the cereal didn't make me "not hungry" yet, I've got a right to be grumpy!

Finally, I get low enough on the bowl of yogurt to set it into Rack's bowl.  He gets let inside and proceeds to attempt to lick the top layer of glass off the bowl.

Like that stuff do you?

Oscar is still making a racket on his cage.  I walk over and open his door.  By now Rack is finished and staring at me.  Fine.  Time for Bird and Parrot to meet.

I get Oscar out of his cage and lower him to dog's nose.  Oscar didn't like that and growled.  Rack is a complete paper tiger and trots off.   So I set Oscar on the floor.  You see, despite my technology timing problems, It Is A Good Day.  Why is it a good day?  Every day that a parrot doesn't poop on the living room floor is a good day!

Rack comes over gingerly and decides that he doesn't need to be quite so close.   I figure that this is a good quick meeting all said and done and set Oscar back into his cage.

My laptop chores are at an end, I hear the windows chime that says it's starting up.  May as well grind my gears on the machine.   Service Pack 1 is installed, I've got things to do.  If you are tied up for an hour, give or take, you may as well play with the dog and the parrot!  They seem to like that sort of thing anyway.

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