Being That Guy who is out walking his dog at stupid hours of the morning, I see a lot of weirdness.
Oh sure, I live in a tourist town in South Florida. That could be redundant in itself, but its true.
So I see a lot of weirdness. Wait, I said that once already.
Some of that weirdness is best that I keep to myself. Let me just say I see what you do out there and Shame. Trust me some of that is truly bizarre.
Luckily, most of what happens here is people from outside coming in and enjoying things a bit too much and therefore creating problems.
You lot party a bit too hearty. No, really you do. Have a little moderation. A little goes a long way. You wander down our streets using the wall to steady yourself. Even my dog sees it and he is smart enough to know when to stay away.
So as you use that wall to steady yourself, you reach into your pocket for your keys. What you were going to do with those keys scare me, but you have dropped them instead.
This is where I come in handy. You see, I have found more sets of keys than I care to count. I do tend to find a lot of things and since City Hall is on my normal walk, I tend to leave things there. Just ask the Police Department.
Really. It gets to be a bit repetitious. Keep a better handle on things.
So when the Police Department gets them they ask me where I found it and I tell them. They also ask me a lot of random questions about myself that makes me think that it would be a lot easier if I just left your things sitting where I saw them in the grass next to that shoe.
This story doesn't seem to be that impaired.
It also has the benefit of some really great Aussie Sense Of Humour. Love the way the Australians think, even if they are upside down.
They don't like that joke either, but hey...
You see a lady lost her phone. It was found by someone in Albury, New South Wales, Australia. They took it to the police department, being good people who do that sort of thing. Lo and Behold they were able to get into the phone. There was no passcode. I am assuming they couldn't find the person's own personal information but they were able to get onto her Facebook software and post a selfie.
Of the police. Told her that she should come and get her phone because it's safe. They also said that she should use a passcode to lock the phone.
Of course if there was a passcode and no personal information on the phone, the police would just have to hope that this person came to them and asked. Small bit of circular logic.
What I do is I have a passcode, however I also have some ICE on the phone.
ICE stands for "In Case Of Emergency". All the first responders know to look for that sort of information, although it is a bit vague where they look for it.
I made it easy. On my lock screen in Android, you can go into the settings and personalize it. I added a message "ICE 954-xxx-xxxx". Yes, a phone number, No, you may not have it.
Someone presses the button to check to see if they can get in to the phone and if they're honest, I'll get my phone back.
Honest people do still exist.
So add a little ICE to your phone if you can, I can't tell you if your shiny iPhone has this feature or not. You could always use the Find My iPhone Feature, and Android has a similar service, but this is easy.
It also might make things easier if you need a wall to hold yourself up.
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