Sunday, February 9, 2014

Man walks into a bar with a small wooden box and a genie lamp

Man walks into a bar with a small wooden box and a genie lamp

He sits down and orders a drink.
The bartender asks "what's in the box?"
The man asks if there is a piano in the bar.
The bartender says yes, so the man opened the box. A small man, about 12" in height, leaps from the box and goes straight to the piano and starts playing some beautiful classics.

The bartender is amazed and asks the man where he got the little man.
The man replies "I rubbed this damn genie lamp and the genie gave him to me."
The bartender asks if he can give the lamp a rub.
The man complies and hands him the lamp.

The bartender rubs it and out comes this genie.
The genie says "I'll grant you one wish and one wish only" so the bartender thinks for a moment then says "I wish for a million bucks!"

The genie says "it is done" and pops back into the lamp.
Within a few seconds, a million ducks start flying throughout the entire bar.

The bartender says to the man with the lamp "hey! I said a million bucks, not ducks!"
The man turns to him and says "what? Do you think I asked for a 12" pianist?"

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